Thursday, 9 September 2010

SWU 28

Traditions ~ I've tried and tried to get this picture straight, perhaps it's my camera!! I expect it is more likely the way I'm holding the camera.

I found this challenge very taxing, traditions - traditions - Christmas - no, family traditions - we have many but I haven't any photos of them, or at least none I would want to scrap. I was looking through my box of old photos when these fell out. They are of the drama group my husband and I used to belong to on the mainland. After the final performance we would have a get-together and put of a little show of our own, there was a great deal of talent in our company, people would sing, recite poems ect,. Some of the guys would dress up in the girls costumes and give their rendition of the main songs - with a difference!! My son at 13 yrs(wearing the blue dress!) enjoyed this as he was 'one of the guys', my husband is in the front row stage left. It's a bit worrying when both son and husband enjoy dressing up!!

Thank you for looking